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Cyber & Digital Forensics Expert Opinion

An expert opinion from an experienced computer, internet and cyber expert can reverse the fortunes of a criminal case, resulting in arrests, investigations and court verdicts. Digital forensics and computer investigation work requires a substantially different set of professionalization, knowledge and training than what is required for repairing computer malfunctions. When it comes to crimes of data theft, computer fraud and embezzlement, any meddling by computer technicians or cellular lab technicians, no matter how highly-skilled, who have not specialized in digital and Internet forensics, can severely impair evidence and destroy a case.

Process of preparing an expert opinion

We take pride in the many years of experience we have, the hundreds of opinions we have submitted, and the cracking of thousands of cases of computer and cellular crime.
We arrive at the scene immediately after a crime has been detected and locate the evidence for the crimes which have been committed. Once we have documented these using the technological means at our disposal, we produce a computer expert opinion presenting the evidence and the proof that the crimes in question have indeed been committed. Our experience in preparing these expert opinions for court enables us to lucidly present all the information we have gathered, making it comprehensible even to those who are not computer or technology mavens.

A computer expert opinion serves in the handling of a variety of court scenarios – employer-employee, intellectual property, copyrights, marital relations, computer and cyber crime, pedophilia, impersonation and libel over social networks, cellular bugging, industrial espionage, and more.

Cyber & Digital Forensics Expert Witness 

There are cases where after having submitted a computer expert opinion in court, it has to be corroborated and upheld by frontal appearances in court. Often the presence of the author of the expert opinion himself is necessary in court to refute the counter-arguments of the opposing party. When the author has to appear in court, he provides explanations, reasoning, and precise analysis of the process of preparing the opinion, the investigation he has conducted and his conclusions. This process helps the court get to the bottom of the scientific facts related to the cyber world in general.

Our Clients

logo iskoor
SuperPharm logo
Tel Aviv Uni Logo
Bezeq INT
cooper ninve logo
equashield Logo
attenti logo
EY logo
Hertz logo
HFN Law Firm
Microsoft digital crimes unit
Privacy Protection Authority
Grant Thornton

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Address: 4 Hahoresh Rd Yehud IL
Phone: +972-3-6259898

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