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eDiscovery – Electronic Discovery & Evidence Collection Services

It is important to note that expertise in handling digital forensics in general, and in eDiscovery proceedings in particular, is required in order to prevent any damage to or compromising of the evidence and its admissibility. We are proud of our vast experience in eDiscovery procedures.

Discovery is, as is well known, one of the pre-trial procedures in which each party is required to disclose to the other party details pertaining to the legal proceeding. The rapid technological advances of the last few decades, which almost completely did away with the dusty binder archives in favor of digital archives, are also changing the classic and familiar process of discovery, in which the attorneys’ offices were filled with countless binders and yellowing paperwork. Nowadays, the Electronic Discovery procedure – eDiscovery – occupies a more dominant place within the pre-trial procedures.

First and foremost, the eDiscovery procedure is intended for collecting information from digital sources – Electronically Stored Information (ESI) – cell phones, computers, servers, backups, cloud storage and the like. However, eDiscovery also enables the digitization of standard paperwork by scanning and decoding the text to allow for searches by keywords or terms in order to find relevant information.

eDiscovery Phases

Forensic cloning and eDiscovery can be performed both on-premise and at the Force Majeure labs.

  • Identification and Preliminary planning: locating, classifying the required information and data mapping.
  • Collection – כorensic clones and data collection of information in a structured and documented way from the end devices (NAS, end-points, mobile phones), information collection from cloud services, including: email services, Dropbox, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, financial management system, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems etc.
  • Processing – computerized information and indexing using common forensic data recovery tools that meet the legal standard in digital forensics, running OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tools for converting information from scanned files into “readable” formats for a computer which will allow for targeted searches and file carving (a process of file recovery).
  • Review – locating search strings and producing the findings while redacting private or confidential information.
  • Analysis and tagging according to the search strings and other requests or instructions.
  • Production and Extraction – selective extraction of the files in which the requested search strings have been located.
  • Compiling a file for transfer to the parties in the required formats.
  • Making the information conveniently and efficiently accessible for the attorneys and/or corporate relevant officials.


Tags: eDiscovery Israel, e-discovery services, evidence collection Israel

Our Clients

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SuperPharm logo
Tel Aviv Uni Logo
Bezeq INT
cooper ninve logo
equashield Logo
attenti logo
EY logo
Hertz logo
HFN Law Firm
Microsoft digital crimes unit
Privacy Protection Authority
Grant Thornton

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Address: 4 Hahoresh Rd Yehud IL
Phone: +972-3-6259898

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